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The Union Christmas Dinner

The Union Christmas Dinner

The festive period embodies a time for togetherness and absolution, where we graciously welcome loved ones, no matter the distance they have traveled or any past grievances we might harbor. What truly matters is our shared kinship. In the December 31, 1864, issue of...

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Thomas Nast’s Christmas Eve

Thomas Nast’s Christmas Eve

Thomas Nast created “Christmas Eve” for Harper’s Weekly in which he portrayed a wife separated from her soldier husband on Christmas Eve 1862. The sketch shows a family split apart by the Civil War. It is also one of the earliest images of Santa, in a sleigh, being pulled by reindeer.

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The Election of 1864

The Election of 1864

Voting for President during the Civil War In November 1864 Abraham Lincoln was running for reelection against his former top Civil War general, the Democratic candidate, George B. McClellan.   Interestingly, since the 1864 election occurred during the Civil War,...

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