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Thanksgiving in 1865
The following woodcut by Winslow Homer depicts the inaugural celebration of Thanksgiving as an official national holiday in the aftermath of the Civil War. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving as a nationally recognized holiday, marking this...
The History of Thanksgiving in the United States
The History of Thanksgiving in the United States In the early days of the United States, Thanksgiving was declared by Presidents George Washington, John Adams, and James Madison, but it was primarily observed on a state or territory level in the following years....
Dinosaur Footprints on the Gettysburg Battlefield
This is the last in this series of videos from our recent trip to Gettysburg. What a great day, can't wait to get back there with the kids. In this video Jacob (with help from his brother Josh) is finding dinosaur footprints in Gettysburg....
Learning about Father Corby
Here is another video in this series of video blog posts where my family is exploring the Gettysburg Battlefield. As you know our family goal is to learn something new every time we go to Gettysburg and this time we learned several new things. In this video Josh...
Culp’s Hill in Gettysburg and General George Greene
This is the 4th in another series of video blog posts where my family is exploring the Gettysburg Battlefield. As you know our family goal is to learn something new every time we go to Gettysburg and this time we learned several new things. In this video...
Gettysburg Rock Carvings on Culp’s Hill Part 2
This is the 3rd in another series of video blog posts where my family is exploring the Gettysburg Battlefield. As you know our family goal is to learn something new every time we go to Gettysburg and this time we learned several new things. In this video Jacob...
Exploring the Getttysburg Battlefield – Spangler’s Spring
This is the 2nd in another series of video blog posts where my family is exploring the Gettysburg Battlefield. As you know our family goal is to learn something new every time we go to Gettysburg and this time we learned several new things. In this video Josh is...
Gettysburg Rock Carvings on Culp’s Hill
As my older son CJ was attending a Boy Scout event in Westminster, MD my family decided to do our favorite thing and spend the day exploring Gettysburg. In addition to packing a lunch, we grabbed my copy of The Complete Gettysburg Guide and my Flip video camera...