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Governor Curtain Proclaims Thanksgiving Day 1862
Pennsylvania Governor Andrew Gregg Curtin issues this proclamation during the Civil War on October 16, 1861: Proclamation of a Day of Thanksgiving. – 1862. Pennsylvania, ss. (Signed) A. G. Curtin. IN THE NAME AND BY the Authority of the Commonwealth of...
Happy Birthday Alexander Gardner
Civil War photographer Alexander Gardner was born #OTD in 1821. Gardner began his career working for Matthew Brady and founded his own studio in May 1863. He was the first person to photograph the unburied bodies of dead soldiers on an American battlefield. ...
The HomeFront: Women and the Civil War
The roles women played during the Civil War have only recently been given the same respect as famous generals and battles. If we look in the context of this time period, the woman was considered the light of the hearth and home. Upon her fell the duty of managing the...
Civil War Artillery
Park Rangers at the numerous Civil War battlefields are a wealth of information. Unfortunately, it is difficult (if not impossible) and expensive for classes of students to venture out to a Civil War battlefield. So, how about bringing a Park Ranger to your classroom?...
Election Day in 1860 & 1864
The following are from The Lincoln Log which shows the daily activities of President Lincoln. Tuesday, November 6, 1860. -- Springfield, IL Lincoln spends most of it at his state house office. About 3 P.M. he walks quietly to polling place in courthouse. Crowd gives...
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PA State Archives Civil War Flag Collection
Exploring Pennsylvania's Civil War Flags Civil War flags have some of the richest history and stories. Ever read stories of how Civil War soldiers and color bearers would defend their regimental flags at all costs? Stories of heroism and bravery that are beyond...