As Halloween approaches, tales of poisoned candy often seem like urban legends—but in 1858, a real-life candy horror unfolded in Bradford, Yorkshire, leaving over 200 people gravely ill and claiming the lives of 20 others. This tragedy, known as the Bradford Humbug...
Today in 1861, President Lincoln signed the Revenue Act, introducing a federal income tax. Facing financial challenges in prosecuting the Civil War, Lincoln and Congress reached an agreement to levy a 3 percent tax on annual incomes exceeding $800. In March of...
Abraham Lincoln was a key figure in American history and is often celebrated for his leadership during the Civil War. However, his impact extends beyond the war, with notable achievements that continue to influence our nation. One such achievement is the Homestead...
During the Civil War, many regiments had mascots to lift their spirits and provide a sense of companionship during the difficult and often terrifying days of battle. One such mascot was Sallie, a Staffordshire Terrier who became the beloved pet of the 11th...
THE CAPITOL GROUNDS AT HARRISBURG TURNED INTO A CAMP The following images and article appeared in the October 4, 1862 edition of Harper’s Weekly. The images show Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in late September 1862. Governor Curtain and citizens of the...