Memorial Day, often associated with barbecues and the unofficial start of summer, holds a far deeper significance rooted in the sacrifices of those who fought for the ideals of freedom and unity. While the official holiday originated from the Grand Army of the...
The festive period embodies a time for togetherness and absolution, where we graciously welcome loved ones, no matter the distance they have traveled or any past grievances we might harbor. What truly matters is our shared kinship. In the December 31, 1864, issue of...
On December 5, 1863, a mere fortnight following President Lincoln’s iconic Gettysburg Address at the National Cemetery Dedication, a striking sketch graced the front page of “Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper.” This sketch captures the...
“The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.” This simple sentence was spoken on November 19, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln when he gave the now-famous Gettysburg Address and it reminds us of how...
This autumn holiday may have begun as a simple Pagan festival in which food for spirits was left on doorsteps, but today it has become an extravaganza of spooks. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III declared November 1st “All Saints Day,” making October 31st “All...
A Wedding in Camp… On March 12, 1863, in a rare celebratory event against the backdrop of war, Captain Daniel Hart of the 7th New Jersey Volunteers wed Ellen “Nellie” Lammond in camp. Captain Hart was unable to secure a furlough from camp, prompting Miss Lammond to...