In Pittsburgh’s Masonic Hall that evening on March 2, 1868, Clara Barton spoke to a crowd. She delivered a speech titled “Incidents of Army Life,” which highlighted her experience serving as a nurse and aid worker on Civil War battlefields. In...
During the American Civil War, corps badges played a significant role in identifying soldiers and their respective units. These badges were used to distinguish between different corps, divisions, brigades, and regiments. They were a source of pride for soldiers and...
The H.L. Hunley is a Civil War-era submarine that is both a marvel of engineering and a testament to human perseverance. Despite the fact that the Hunley sank three times during its short life, it is an important piece of American history that should not be forgotten....
By December 22, 1864, General William T. Sherman had completed his successful “March to the Sea,” from Atlanta to Savannah. For little more than a month, Sherman’s Federal forces tore through the Georgia countryside, arriving at the gates of Savannah by...
Check out the following famous Thomas Nast illustration of Thanksgiving during the Civil War. Titled “United We Stand,” this cartoon from Harper’s Weekly in 1864 shows President Abraham Lincoln, US Army soldiers, and a host of others gathered...
Several years ago I created this video that describes the events of November 18th and 19th, 1863. It begins with Abraham Lincoln in Washington, DC and follows his travels to Gettysburg and his famous Gettysburg...