Civil War Timeline

Thanks to a recent comment from a reader, I was directed to check out a website called TimeLines.  This website is pretty cool for education and it allows you to “Discover, Record and Share History” via TimeLines.  You can view the numerous timelines that...

Gettysburg’s Hallowed Ground

During the 140th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, noted Civil War historian James McPherson gave some tours of the battlefield. Part of one of these tours is available as an audio file from the NPR website along with an accompanying article and two photo...

July 1, 1863

The Gettysburg Discussion Group (GDG) has some great articles on the opening day of the Battle of Gettysburg. I’m particularly fond of the discussion on the area known as Oak Ridge because the 11th PVI and Sallie their mascot fought there before retreating...

21st Century Abe

This one has been sitting in my inbox for a while so I thought I would share. The 21st Century Abe website’s purpose is to celebrate Lincoln’s 200th Birthday and to take a look at his life, work and words through modern eyes. Created by the Rosenbach Museum...