Gettysburg’s Eternal Peace Light Memorial with CJ

Here is a video of my son CJ teaching us about one of the more popular sites in Gettysburg, the Eternal Peace Light Memorial.  This monument is located on Oak Hill in Gettysburg.  Confederate forces marched toward Gettysburg and the Union lines from behind the monument where CJ is sitting.   The base relief is said to represent Peace and Good.


Here is a photo of the Peace Light Memorial

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Here is a photo from the NPS showing the dedication ceremony

Dedication 1938 Eternal Light Memorial Gettysburg NPS

CJ is reading from THE COMPLETE GETTYSBURG GUIDEir?t=beeghtechinno 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1932714634&camp=217145&creative=399349 by JD Petruzzi



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