Learning about the “Trough Rock” in Gettysburg with CJ

Here is a video of my son CJ teaching us about one of the less popular sites in Gettysburg known as the “Trough Rock”. This rock is located in the “Slaughter Pen” or “Valley of Death” near Devil’s Den.



Here is the photo of the horse drinking from the rock:

Trough Rock in Gettysbug

Here is a photo taken by Rob Shenk of the Civil War Preservation Trust (used with permission from Flickr)


CJ is reading from THE COMPLETE GETTYSBURG GUIDEir?t=beeghtechinno 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1932714634&camp=217145&creative=399349 by JD Petruzzi



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1 Comment

  1. Wendy A.

    I just learned something new. Thank you CJ!


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