Samuel Abbott Cooley, born on November 3, 1821, in Hartford, Connecticut, was a pioneering figure in Civil War photography. As the eldest child of Dr. Abiel Abbott Cooley and Lucretia Hurlbert Cooley, Samuel’s early life was shaped by his family’s support and the...
Cornelia Hancock was a 23-year-old Quaker woman from Salem, NJ, who demonstrated extraordinary courage and compassion during the American Civil War. When she heard about the horrific battle at Gettysburg, she decided to help the soldiers. Many of her neighbors and...
Title: Tillie Pierce: A Witness to History – A Teenage Girl’s Account of the Battle of Gettysburg In the annals of history, there are those whose voices echo through time, shining a light on the darkest moments of humanity. Tillie Pierce, a remarkable...
One of Abraham Lincoln’s most important speeches was the one he gave at the Cooper Union in New York City on February 27th, 1860. The resounding success of this speech forged Lincoln into a nationally known and popular political figure, paving the way for his...
On this Valentine’s Day, we remember the eloquent words of Major Sullivan Ballou whose last letter was written to his wife leading up to the battle at First Bull Run and found on his dead body after the battle. Sullivan Ballou was a prosperous attorney at...