Using ChatGPT to Rewrite the Gettysburg Address

As I said recently, I have been playing around with ChatGPT.  I came up with the idea to have it rewrite the Gettysburg Address as different authors.  I did several of them, so here are my favorites.  

JK Rowling – author of the Harry Potter Series

Seven decades and seven years ago, our forefathers established a new nation, founded on the principles of liberty and equality for all.

But it is not for them alone that we gather here today. It is our responsibility, as the living, to carry forward the work that they began with such courage and honor. We must honor the sacrifices of those who fought and fell on this ground, by dedicating ourselves to the cause for which they gave their lives.

Let us rededicate ourselves, then, to the pursuit of true freedom and justice for all people. Let us pledge that their sacrifice will not have been in vain, and that we will work tirelessly to build a government that truly serves the people.

For it is only through such a government – one of the people, by the people, and for the people – that we can truly achieve the vision of a nation founded on the principles of liberty and equality for all.

Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address

Stephen King – famous horror stories author

87 years ago, our forefathers brought forth a new nation, built on the principles of liberty and equality. But now, we’re in the midst of a brutal civil war – a test of whether this nation can survive.

We’ve gathered here today on a great battlefield, to lay these fallen heroes to rest. It’s right that we should do so, but let’s not kidourselves – no words of ours can do justice to their sacrifice. These men, living and dead, have consecrated this ground with their blood.

It’s up to us, the living, to keep fighting for the cause they gave everything for. Let’s rededicate ourselves to that task – to ensure that their deaths were not in vain, and that this nation, under God, will truly be a land of the free.

We need to commit ourselves to creating a government that truly serves the people – one that’s of the people, by the people, and for the people. Only then can we achieve the new birth of freedom that these brave souls fought and died for.


JRR Tolkien – author of the Lord of the Rings series

In the ancient days of our forefathers, four score and seven years ago, a new nation was born upon this continent. It was a nation founded upon the noble ideals of liberty and equality, born in the fires of hope and determination.

But now, this land is torn apart by a great and terrible war – a battle to determine if this nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can stand against the forces of darkness.

Here, on this great battlefield, we have come to dedicate a portion of this hallowed land as a final resting place for those who have fallen in the cause of freedom. Their sacrifice has consecrated this ground beyond what any of us could ever say or do. The world may forget our words, but it will never forget what these heroes did here.

It is up to us, the living, to carry on their work – to continue the struggle that they began with their blood and their sweat. We must be dedicated to this task – to the great and unfinished work that lies before us – so that these fallen warriors shall not have died in vain.

Let us take up the banner of freedom, and honor their memory with our own devotion to the cause of liberty and justice. Let us pledge ourselves to a new birth of freedom – a nation under God, where the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people – so that this great and noble experiment in democracy shall not perish from the earth.

and last but certainly not least, 

Garrison Keillor – author of Lake Woebegone Days

Well, howdy folks. It was about eighty-seven years ago that our founding fathers brought forth a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. And I gotta say, that’s a mighty fine idea.

But now we’re in the middle of a big ol’ fight, folks. A real humdinger. And we’re gathered here on this battlefield to dedicate a little piece of land to the brave men who done gave their lives so that this great nation might keep on keepin’ on.

Now, it’s right and proper that we should do this, and I don’t reckon I need to tell you why. Them brave boys done a heck of a lot more for this country than any of us ever will, and we owe them a debt of gratitude that we can never fully repay.

But the best way to honor their memory is to keep fightin’ the good fight, folks. We gotta keep working for the same things they were fightin’ for – liberty, equality, and justice for all. We gotta keep this great nation of ours strong, and we gotta keep it free.

So let’s all make a little pledge here today, folks. Let’s pledge ourselves to the same cause those brave soldiers gave their lives for. Let’s pledge ourselves to a new birth of freedom – a nation where everyone’s got a fair shake, and where the government is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people. Because if we do that, if we live up to the ideals that these brave men died for, then we can be sure that this great nation of ours will never perish from the earth.

This was fun and a nice exercise to use with students.  You can have them

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